ALIEL Consulting SARL, is a company incorporated under Djiboutian law, with a capital of 20,000 FDJ, registered in the Trade Register under number / SARL, 14276 / B / SARL and whose head office is located at Saline Ouest Lot 417, Djibouti. The company is represented by Ms. Leila Ali, the financial and administrative manager of the consulting firm.
Dr. Moussa Omar Youssouf is the Founder-Director of ALIEL Consulting. He has a doctorate in Oceanography from The University of Western Brittany, Brest, France and a Masters in Urban Planning and Environmental Development from University of Orleans, France. He has 19 years of professional experience in the field of Environmental Consulting and has conducted many environmental impact studies in the areas of port infrastructure, industrial development projects. He has been also a part of many Natural Resources Development and conservation projects. He is a Scientist and heads the Marine Biology Lab at the Djiboutian Centre for Study and Research (CRED). He has several research publications on marine and coastal ecosystems to his credit.
Read moreDr. Jayati Chourey has cumulative professional and research experience of +14 years in the areas of sustainable environmental management which includes interdisciplinary action research on natural resources management; Ecological analysis and Environmental monitoring, Impact assessment studies, policy research, stakeholder participation and capacity building & trainings. She has worked in both Asia and Africa. Dr. Jayati has completed her PhD in Sustainable and Integrated Water Resources Management under the discipline of Forest Ecology and Environment from the Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal (Research Centre), Forest Research Institute (FRI) University, Dehradun, India.
Due to our nature of work and the broad range of activity fields, the engagement and permanent cooperation with specialized experienced associates on short contract arrangements or contracts on a project to project basis is a common practice. Our associates consist of Environmentalists, Geologists, Botanists, Ornithologists, Zoologists, Soil Scientists, climatologists, Engineers, Sociologists, Economists, Agronomists, Agriculturists, Archaeologists, Town Planners, Experts on Mapping, Information Technology and GIS experts, etc.